Genetica Viewer 2.5 is a program for rendering textures and exporting them, we can use these textures with other 3D programs.
When we open the program we can find a Menu Bar, three tags and one panel in the first Tag we have the start, in the second we have the textures and the third is the render.
In the Menu Bar we can open, export, copy and clear in the file button, in the Library we can select, reload or check the author web for more textures. In the Render option we can handle the texture, the color, the effect maps, select the resolution for the render, Anti-Alias, Tile Image or Invert Image.
In the first Tag we can see the categories (Brick and Block, Crystal Cut, Floor and Wall, Liquid, Marble, Metal Corroded, Metal Robust, Snow and Ice, etc.) textures shows all of them, that every categorie has.
In the tag texture we can add effect maps, adjust the texture brightness, contrast, intensity, hue, saturation, scale, seed. We can select the render resolution, if we want Anti-Alias, Render color only or render effect maps.
The tag Render appear after we make a render and in it we can find four numbers that are the number of times that make a render and if we want a render with effects we can find all of them in the menu, we can put zoom, invert the image, export, copy or delete.
This program is great for export 3D textures for our projects.
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